Inexpressible Joy


Have you ever just been so astounded by the Lord that you literally had no words to speak, to describe all that God is? 

 Lately, the Lord has been answering my prayer that He work on my heart, and He is so GOOD!  Every day He astounds me with peace, comfort, and a glimpse of His Sovereignty, often times leaving me speechless.

 I was at a moment the other day where I just had to sit still and meditate on how good God was, I had every intention of recording everything in my journal but I couldn’t—and to be honest, I didn’t really understand why I wasn’t able to put into words all what I was feeling towards my God…and true to His goodness and grace, I literally opened my Bible randomly to 1 Peter where He lead me to this verse:

 “You love Him even though you have never seen Him.  Though you do not see him now, you trust Him; and you rejoice with a glorious, INEXPRESSIBLE joy.” 1 Peter 1:8

 The more we fall in love with God, the more we trust Him, the more we rest in His sovereignty, the more we are able to understand Him, witness how good He really is—rejoicing is the only logical and appropriate choice as a response!!  Our God is such a big God, such a glorious God, an infinite God—to fully be able to describe and praise Him in our finite, limiting vocabulary wouldn’t even make sense!  How comforting it is to me, knowing that the power, glory, goodness, loveliness, excellence, justice, righteousness, pureness, and honor cannot fully be described because He is just that wonderful!

 So thankful how BIG, SOVEREIGN, and GOOD God is!! Rejoice with me today in this!


About katnienow

Just a girl, who has been wrecked by grace. The more I know of God, the more I love Him. The more I seek Him, the more He reveals himself to me. Totally undeserving and beautifully imperfect. Student at Clemson University (Go Tigers!), daughter of amazing parents, sister of 2 really great siblings, girlfriend of an incredible worship leader, small group leader to some wonderful girls, friend to many, but most importantly, Beloved of my King.

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